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[Discussion] HardCore Server

 Post subject: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 09:58 

Joined: 26 Sep 2012, 19:13
Posts: 172
Country: Iran (ir)
Hello comrade !
As you all may know [QRF] just closed their hardcore server recently and now we are thinking about running our own hardcore server with a customized set of rules and configs !
You are all welcomed to share your suggestions and opinions here so we can discuss them and hopefully reach a common ground about the new configs we are going to test in our server ! ;)

* The followings are my suggestions and what I think we should try !

_ Teamwork & Discipline : First and most important thing that we should learn from [QRF] is enforced teamwork and high level of discipline they was using in their server and I believe that is what matter to the most of PR community and player base ! we should be enable to manage that with a good admin team easily !
_ Increasing the value of life : The second main thing that annoy me so much is that lately all the CQB and gunfight in the game turned to a small "last man standing match" ! both side only want to keep one man alive so he can grab the medic kit and revive everyone else ! the defeated squad will not gain anything ! we need to decrease the amount of "resurrections" a medic can do in situations like that ! I believe it will increase the tactical aspect of the game ; it'll make squad leaders to think twice before engaging the enemies , they have to communicate with other squads and ask for their support even before entering a hostile territory ! they will consider to retreat and regroup and call for more support when they don't have a chance in a situation , instead of going in all alone , get killed and then wait for another squad to move in and revive them !!!
my suggestions includes decreasing the wounded time to 90 seconds and increasing revive time (the time that player need to stay without getting shots after a revive or he will get instant kill) to 300 seconds ! it may sounds too extreme but I still think that we should give it a try at least once in a test match !
_ FOB & RPs : I suggest using 4 FOBs ; 1 for defense , 1 for attack , 1 for mortars and the 4th one can be used either for attack or defense depending on commander's plan ! also we should make RPs more effective by increasing their expiration time to 300 seconds and reducing their overrun distance by 25 percent (same as [QRF] settings) ! also by increasing the expiration time for commander RP to 600 seconds , it can be used as a counter attack platform !
_ Ticket cost : we can use the [QRF] settings here , just need to change transport choppers cost to 10 ticket instead of 15 ! 

I attached my complete config to this post , so you can read it and change it as you see more fit !
In the end I would like to say that in my opinion the whole idea should be to try new stuff and build a better and more fun gameplay ! :)


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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 11:10 
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I like the idea in general, and specifically the new medic rules, for the same reasons you gave.

I don't want to demotivate you, but keep in mind that making the rules too strict (like a combat/tactical simulator) will not attract people outside 3dAC/NEW.


"Killing is negotiation."--Black Hawk Down, Abdullah 'Firimbi' Hassan

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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 12:04 
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Joined: 23 Mar 2013, 15:57
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I support the idea of such a server fully


300sec expiration time for rallies? thats 5 minutes that there would be a random spawn point on the map...
In my opinion rally points should be used as rally points and FOBs as spawn points. There is no reason why a rally point should be used as a spawn point for a squad after a death... thats what FOBs are for. A rally point should ONLY be used to allow squad members to spawn on you if they just joined the server or the occasional death of a few separated squad members. I think rallies should expire after 60sec. I would also reconsider the "radius of no enemies" required to drop a rally to prevent people from using rallies as a radar system.

EDIT: Rallies should expire after whatever you make the spawn time. If it's going to be 90sec then rally expiration time should also be that.


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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 12:12 
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I wrote you a PM this week but my shitty WW2 internet didn't send it…

First of all I’m quite excited about your idea SAM. For me the most important aspect of such a project is that we try to work out the best possible setting with a bigger group of people. I don’t like the word “hardcore”, if we decide to run such a project it will be a gameplay test and that’s how we should label it. IMO one of the mistakes QRF made was that they worked against the DEV team, sure the DEVs are not the easiest people to talk to but still we are all in the same boat.
Before we start such a project we need to agree on some conditions in the background since those are the key factor for the success. Such as frequent server updates, proper changelogs and a dedicated admin crew (Skatman will come back to this).
QRF developed their code together with [R-CON]Mats, he is also involved into Onil’s PR:Z, it’s thinkable that he will support us if we ask him.
Another thing would be proper testing before releasing or changing simply because we experienced many bugs on the QRF server.

For the changes itself:
IMO we should be careful with changing the current FOB system. On paper it should work as you described but in reality it get played different.
What I absolutly agree on are the changes on current Rallies. They won’t get changed in the near future, at least as far as I know. But they are a key factor when it comes to spammy gameplay in 1.0. IMO the RPs worked perfect in .97, I see and never saw a reason to change that. A RP is there to allow players which joined late, got killed by placing a deployable or by an incompetent trans pilot to spawn close to their squad - nothing else.
Changing the CO rally does not make any sense to me, since the UAV is so powerful and needed, you have to have your CO sitting in main - especially in the beginning of the round to overwatch and report the enemy deployment.
I agree with your suggestions on the medic system, great idea! But we should figure out the best timings during our gameplay tests.
As well as I agree with the changes on the assets. They need to cost more tickets again and even more important, that their spawn times are back to the standard of .97. If you take down the enemy CAS you should have air superiority for 20mins, same goes with any armor on the field.

QRF was on the right way, for me the most important thing is that we work the changes out with the people which play on our server as well as we try to not do the same mistakes as QRF did. I also suggest that we search for the dialogue with QRF that they can share their experience with us. Again, we are all sitting in the same boat.


Brooklyn-Tech: Go in, get the job done, leave in style, repeat as necessary.
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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 12:21 
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Joined: 23 Mar 2013, 15:57
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Ahh, yes.

There is no reason why CAS should spawn in 15min.

Also a good change would be to increase spawn time of heavy armor IF you could increase their armor rating and survivability. However I dont think that is possible on the server side so it's only something we could pray the DEVs do.

EDIT: Aside from gameplay modifications, do we know what kind of server rules we would want?

Also when you type in: "!rules" it should only show the rules which differ from server to server.
Things like: Squad creation time, Asset rule, Rushing Rules.

I have no idea why some servers put useless shit there and not some of the things i stated above.


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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 12:53 
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I think asset spawn times are map-sided, so cannot be changed. Having all the assets back in the game after such a short amount of time makes the biggest part of spammy gameplay for me, since having killed a valuable asset does not give a real tactical advantage anymore.
If everyone is aware of the higher ticket costs - might work as an incentive to be more careful.

Full server every week? -> 4-6 FOBs, old rally-system and a good admin team.

Btw, here's our guideline for administrators, if it helps anyone:
Spoiler: show
1. General Regulations

1.1 The QRF command structure applies for the server admins aswell. Head Admins > Admins  > Admin Support > Lite Admins

1.2 The QRF server rules apply for the server admins aswell. No admin will take advantage of their powers to gain benefit for their own gameplay.

1.3 Admins have to keep an eye on their language: Insulting other players, no matter what they did, is not allowed. Be strict, but never be an asshat.

1.4 Admins will treat all players without prejudice. All players have to be treated equally. Any kind of racism is not allowed. But keep an eye on players that are known for their bad behaviour.

1.5 Admins represent the [QRF]Clan and the [QRF]Server and therefore have a certain responsibility. If you tarnish our reputation, you will be held accountable for your actions.

1.6 No insurgency is being played on the server ever.

2. Administration

2.1 The core principle is appropriateness. A ban for duplicate squad is as wrong as a kick for a cheater.

2.2. Before you kick / ban, you should warn. Exceptions are, of course, massive, intentional distractions of the gameplay (like a massive TK in main)

2.3 Switching: Keep the teams balanced. The maximum difference in player numbers should be less than 4. If it drops, take actions to switch players. Do not kill-switch people (!switch name now) unless they agree to it! You can switch people that are dead-dead. But check if they are in a squad / clan / with their mates first. Best method is to switch people that are joining the server to the right team before they finish loading.

2.4 Language: Use !w language for insulting players, if there are racist insults, you may kick the respective player.

2.5 Time: You know how it feels when you sit on NwA and wait to be switched for 20 minutes -> If there are reports / requests, answer them as soon as you have time for it.

2.6 Maps: We want a varied map rotation. We are not a Muttrah 24/7 Server, we want to play rarer maps aswell. If you run votes, ask for suggestions first (or run pre-votes like woodland urban desert), keep the choices varied. If you do not run a vote, keep in mind that the map that you want to play is maybe not the map that everyone wants to play. Make your choice in regards to player numbers, player standards (lots of clans or lots of pubs) and player preferences.

2.7 Chat: Keep the chat clean. If there are people spamming or noobs talking on allchat all the time, or if there is a huge discussion, you may force people to stop the spam. Tell people to go to our website if they complain about the administration.

2.8 Rules: Know our rules!

2.9 AFK Afk people are tolerated when the server is seeding up. Once it is full, make sure every player is active. Keep in mind that having zero points and being dead does not necessarily mean that the player is afk. Warn first, kick afterwards.

2.10 Assets Use the !resign command for people duplicating squads. Warn people that use assets although they are not in the right squad. Take immediate action when noob pilots are reported (Do not kick them mid-air), force them to land. Tell people to be careful with assets, if they waste them, you may ask them to not use the asset anymore.


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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 13:45 

Joined: 26 Sep 2012, 19:13
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Country: Iran (ir)
I don't have any idea whatsoever about the old RP system , maybe because I never played as a squad leader before ! :D
so please someone explain it to me with complete details ! if everyone think that old RP system was a better one , then we should use it for sure !
Of course we need to test all changes inside our clan first ! it's so important to everyone check out the changes and gave their feedback about them , so then we can tweak them more accurately and prepare for a public test event !    

P.S : as said before the whole idea should be to create a fun , teamwork oriented and different (in a good way) event for all PR community ! we don't want to change PR ! we are just providing a different experience for one day per week ! ;)


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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 14:41 
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About RP
how about make them stay as long as SLand one more is present, none or very close enemy detection.
This will make it a RP. you gather yoursquad and then move out and its gone

and if only SL is needed for a RP thismakes the SL more useful as an alive one and not the "probe for enemy" it is today. Ask yourself. Who is most likely to be killed first?

don’t know about the reload rules ofRP thou


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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 15:12 
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I just didn't like 100p at all, from beginning to the end. You guys might want to give it a try with low numbers, at least for the start. For the name, +1 to Curry, I wouldn't call it Hardcore.

Another thing which can really shine and bring something new to the table is Insurgency Remake. Totally radical changes not just the tweaking little here and there. Removing UAV, Mortars, Rally points, no stamina for insurgents, tunnel spawn system with appropriate times (probably impossible) and so on.


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 Post subject: Re: HardCore Server
PostPosted: 23 Feb 2014, 18:20 
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Fandango wrote:
I just didn't like 100p at all, from beginning to the end. You guys might want to give it a try with low numbers, at least for the start.

Which number do you have in mind? MeRk plays with 80 slots, is that better?

Fandango wrote:
Another thing which can really shine and bring something new to the table is Insurgency Remake. Totally radical changes not just the tweaking little here and there. Removing UAV, Mortars, Rally points, no stamina for insurgents, tunnel spawn system with appropriate times (probably impossible) and so on.

All possible, but that is a huge project. Onil has some great suggestions about a new version of insurgency but who can code it? Discussing and brainstorming is one thing Fanda, if we don't do it ourselfs it won't happen :D


Brooklyn-Tech: Go in, get the job done, leave in style, repeat as necessary.
Friado: Yo! I would like to join Outlaws! (it will fit my cyber gangster career)
Warrior: Like a very rude sand storm!

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