[3dAC] Battle CodexPoints which are NOT negotiable:
- An independent referee (arbiter) will be agreed upon before the battle by both COs. In any dispute (e.g. determining if someone cheated or not) the arbiter's decision is final. The arbiter can only decide who is right in a dispute, and can not impose penalties.
- Battle starts ONLY if each team has at least 80% (rounded up) of agreed number of players at the agreed time.
- Smart team balance will be enabled by admin before the first players join the server.
- Only CO's are allowed to use in-game global chat.
- CO's are responsible to know basic knowladge of the field, DOD's, most common glitches and exploits.
- CO's shall agree on an out-of-game communication channel (e.g. TS or Xfire) for battle comms.
- All assets (FOBs, mortars, TOW, AA, HMG, razor wire, foxholes) shall be built outside DoD.
- Cheating is prohibited. Regardless of when cheating takes place, it can be detected at any time before, during or after the battle. Cheating includes - but is not limited to - the following:
- sharing intel with the opposition, knowingly or unknowingly (e.g. forums or in-game)
- sharing your view in battle opposition members (includes ghosting)
- exploiting model flaws (e.g. hollow AAVP) or other game mechanics in ways not intended by the DEVs.
Points which shall be negotiated:
- The opponent's first non-capped flag [may/may not] be rushed at round start.
- Firing into main bases / Firing from main bases.
- Grids of the no firezone / Forbidden grids to being in and shoot towards main.
Penalty Clause:
- If any participating clan fails to adhere to the letter and spirit of the agreement, it will constitute immediate forfeiture of the battle by their team, OR any suitable lesser penalty decided by the opposition CO.