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[Information] Statement about last night

 Post subject: Statement about last night
PostPosted: 29 Mar 2015, 19:28 
Supreme Commanding Officer
Supreme Commanding Officer
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Joined: 16 Feb 2011, 16:04
Posts: 5112
Country: Germany (de)
Last night we were supposed to play a battle. We managed to get enough people and everyone was actually pretty hyped up, our battle plan was worked out during the week and promising. We all looked forward trying our strategy.
Sadly we cancelled the battle due to incidents which happened after we joined the battle server.

As usual, we rallied up on the russian cargo ship to have a short briefing, discuss the last details and to push the morale a little more when an IDF Black Hawk crashed right into us and took out our entire team.
I jumped on the desktop, joined our opponent's TS and poked their war arranger several times with lines like ‘WTF is going on’ and ‘We can go pubbing too’. I didn’t explain what happened since I expected him to know what just happened and to take the necessary steps to stop any further disruption.

I jumped back in the game and we tried to continue our briefing after everybody respawned. Two minutes later, another Black Hawk did the same thing again. We then decided to leave the server and therefore to cancel the battle itself.

While we understand that we played against several clans, where things are a little harder to organize and keep under control, it is an absolute no-go to fly a second chopper into the briefing of your opponent. Especially if those doing so are very aware of our clan's procedures before battles.

When we play a battle everyone expects a more serious and better game than on a public server - from their own team as well as from the enemy team. We understand and think it's natural that teams have different rituals before battles. While some aren’t spawning in at all, other warm themselves up by testing things, shooting around or having another briefing. But regardless what your own team is doing, you always have to respect what your opponents are doing and not interfere with them. Thanks to those who did!

The reason for us to cancel the battle was not the crash of the first Black Hawk, which was done by an individual unaware of common battle procedures - It was the second one.

Knowing our clan and our procedures, a full squad - not an individual - decided to jump in the chopper and crash into us a second time. That not anyone in the chopper or the entire team was questioning that, shows the lack of respect towards us but also what attitude certain people have. Unfortunately, some people failed to grasp a simple rules of competitive play, which is a basic respect for your opponent. While we always appreciate some banter, continuously slating and bashing your opponent with words and actions contradicts the environment we want to play PR in.

We had people joining us last night, on both sides, who usually stay away from playing PR for various reasons. People who only start the game when they can join an organized battle, such as a tournament or clan battle because it is so very different from public play. And we are sorry that those people didn't get the chance to play this great game once more.

As a result of this evening, we decided to not play any further battles against Utd|, who sadly are one of the few groups left who are interested in playing organized battles in the entire PR community.

What happened on the [NEW] server after the battle was cancelled, was brought to our attention too late, both the map choice as well as the team swapping. We actually looked forward to a balanced and close round on the public [NEW] server. As said, we were still busy with organizing us and joining the server when the map was picked as well as when the teams were swapped. Fortunately, Karbala was bugged and we could run next immediately.


P.S.: We consider this done, so there is no need to keep discussing any of that matter.

Brooklyn-Tech: Go in, get the job done, leave in style, repeat as necessary.
Friado: Yo! I would like to join Outlaws! (it will fit my cyber gangster career)
Warrior: Like a very rude sand storm!

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